Monday, July 8, 2013

He gives good gifts. Happy birthday to ME! Pt. 1

June 30. Definitely a day that needs to be marked on your calendars folks. The day that bawling squawling little ol' me entered the world at 6:30 something am. Actually I wasn't very little and I wasn't bawling and squawling because I came out with the umbilical chord wrapped around my neck, I was purple and I was SILENT for the ONLY time in my existence since then. A cruel joke played on my parents to be sure. I digress.

So, this year marks 32 amazing years on this Earth and by amazing I mean some amazing and some not so amazing but for some reason looking back they ALL seem amazing and every year they seem to be getting increasingly amazing; amazing-er if you will. I love that! A separate blog post entirely however.

Back to my birthday. If you know me at all, and maybe even if you don't, you know that I LOVE MY BIRTHDAY! I would start my birthday countdown the day AFTER my birthday if I could but to spare everyone the irritatingness of me, I only countdown out loud beginning on June 1. What I do inside my head is an entirely different story.

So, just to assure you that I'm not TOTALLY a spoiled brat; it's not so much the gifts that I prefer, it's the attention and celebration! I LOVE PARTIES! I love when people get together and eat and laugh and have fun and love on eachother and love on ME! It's one of my favorite things ever. The gifts are a sidebar but since I met Andis an awesome sidebar to be sure. He made the wonderful mistake of writing me a love letter on my birthday the first year that we met and he made the awful mistake of forgetting to write me a love letter once on my birthday since then. He thought it was a one time, above and beyond deal. Little did he know he his Shakespearean soliloquoys would fill my heart with so much joy that to stop would be like cancelling my birthday entirely. My birthday is now completely synonymous with a love letter from Andis. It's just reality now. Sorry babe. But not really. His love letters are not just full of the typical amazing lovey dovey make you vomit sweetness that one might expect but they also serve as an archive of what we've experienced; good, bad or otherwise, through his loving eyes. They are da bomb and I heart them, big time. They are hands down my favorite gift, every year.

Except this year. be continued............................................................................

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