Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Just be mean already. Somebody. Anybody.

Today sucks. It sucks in so many ways and no ways at all. It could be post vacation, back to reality blues and the fact that eating 1,200 calories for every single meal is lots of fun while you're on vacay but it's not so fun when you come home and can't fit into anything but those sweatpants that you only wear during certain times of the month (you know the ones ladies).

It could be that sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day and answering phones is not near as exciting as seeing the oldest lighthouse in America, singing the Circle of Life with the Lion King actors on Broadway at the top of your lungs or humbly standing in front of a 60 ft. Abraham Lincoln statue.

It could be the raging hormones that are trying to rebalance in your body that the salt, carbs and booze kept at bay, who are now making their presence known, with a vengeance. Think circa 1984; cute, fluffy, doe-eyed little gremlins gone straight cray; Albert Einstein hair, frothing at the mouth, bite your face off wild.

It could be the realization that time did not stop while you were away and that life went on without you. It could be that moment that makes you stop and realize just how small and seemingly insignificant you really are to everyone but a handful of family, neighbors and friends.

It could be the moment that you think, 'How easy' it would be to jerk the wheel right and fly over the bridge. And then the moment after that when you realize you might actually be capable of such selfishness. And then the moment after that when you amend aforementioned thought to 'maybe just' that small tree. Not looking for suicide, maybe just a slight maiming at this point so as to feel ANYTHING but the emptiness that you got goin' on currently.

So, without going into a lot of detail, LOL, today sucks, in a nutshell. But that's not the point! When your day sucks, it feels appropriate and even necessary for the rest of the world and the people in it to suck as well. But NO ONE was following the rules today. Hands down, in all of my 32 years of history, this was the NICEST day (as far as people are concerned) EVER. A synopsis.

First of all the cashier at HEB told me I looked niced today. The cashiers at HEB NEVER say nice things. I can't remember the last time I actually felt acknowledged other than 'Would you like any of our really convenient, really random items in this basket?' or 'Stamps or ice?'

The FedEx guy, who is usually in an abnormal rush (or maybe normal rush if you're a FedEx guy), paused, moseyed through the lobby, asked for an apple, made a joke and strolled leisurely out the door. Despite how I was feeling, just watching him made me smile. If the FedEx guy can mosey, SOMETHING must be right with the world today.

A random guy my dad's age who was in front of me at the light waved as if he was purposely trying to dislocate his elbow. I didn't recognize him and regardless of if he recognized me, he certainly did do a good job faking.

The girls at the lab where I had to give blood today were unusually funny and fun instead of their typical 'Have a seat over there' M.O. It was lunch time so it was empty, except for the three of us so we sat in the back of the clinic and shared recipes and funny stories like we were long lost high school girlfriends as opposed to what we actually were; perfect strangers in a sterile lab either sticking or being stuck with needles.

The list actually goes on and on but suffice it to say that everyone in my small piece of the world totally RUINED my bad day today. So, next time you decide to withhold that simple compliment or rush when you really don't have to or NOT wave like a madman at some random person in the street just because you feel like waving or decide to treat someone like a stranger when you can really treat them like a treasured friend, DON'T. Just don't. Do the opposite. This world is full of enough normal people doing normal things in normal ways. Be abnormal for once or for the millionth time. It might just ruin someone's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. And though they may not get a chance to thank you for it, you never know, you could have just saved their life. In small and maybe big ways.

NOTE: I am not suicidal. Everyone feels like they want to run off the road every now and then. It's totally normal. Don't be alarmed by my dramatic choice of words. Don't show up at my door with cops or psychiatricsts or straight jackets. If you are picking up on the fact that I might have a 'slight' case of Eorethusiasm, DO show up at my door with coconut toasted almonds, Laura Soto's pumpkin muffins or the entire history of Grey's Anatomy.


  1. I feel that anything I could possibly say would be inadequate. So I will leave it at, I love you, and I am glad your bad day was ruined by those horrible nice, friendly people. <3

  2. I know! Those horribly nice peeps with their horribly scrumptious pumpkin muffs KILL ME! ;) Thanks Wiknizz. Love you back!
